Total Production

The talent of the writers, cast, and crew have got me obsessed with this television series. They've taken the books to a whole new universe- and I love stargazing!

(This is a collection of my recaps which are written specifically for iheartvampirediaries, but can also be found on other television sites as well.)

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Bad Moon Rising

Sun sets over Mystic Falls.

There are no festivals or parades to attend so the good teens of MFH are laughing it up at the watering hole on the old Lockwood estate.

Alcohol and a body of water may not be the smartest activity for these youth to participate in, but partying in numbers is the next best bet. Right?

Sure. It's all fun and games until someone turns werewolf.

"If this wolf-man thing is true, I've seen enough movies to know it's not good."
As a result to it being Saturday, Elena and the Salvatore brothers decide to move their regular classroom rendezvous to the Salvatore broodinghouse. They invite Ric (Welcome back!) to discuss the potential co-existence of another supernatural entity in Mystic Falls. Damon makes it clear to them that he doesn't want to follow in BĂ©la Lugosi's footsteps, so they decide that a trip to North Carolina is needed to find answers.

The research team does not include Stefan, and he admits to Elena that he hates that it's Damon she has to go with to Duke. However, he is reassured when she engages him in a serious lip-lock in front of Damon. At this point I'm still waiting for Damon to give a heartfelt apology to Elena for snapping Jeremy's neck. Instead, he hides these words behind his eager efforts to convince her to fast forward over her grudge because they're inevitably going to reestablish their friendship.

Jenna and Alaric (and, sadly, his hair) share a brief moment as the team heads out on their mission. Apparently during both of their hiatuses there wasn't any communication. We'll chalk it up to "men and their baggage."
"We might as well stake her right now."
Meanwhile, Stefan is on Caroline duty. He reaches out to the highly protective HWIC, Bonnie, to cast a Day Walking spell so that Caroline can get back to her seemingly normal life. As of right now, she's trapped at home hiding in the shadows while her boyfriend, Matt, stands outside feeling rejected and regretting he ever muttered the words "I love you."

Fortunately, Bonnie agrees to spell the ring; but, not without warning. She's definitely honed her skills, but Caroline is still a little skeptical so Bonnie opens the curtains to prove it ("It worked."). It's evident that their relationship has been rocked. Elena was more interested in staying with Stefan to help the newly turned vamp, but Caroline's own best friend can barely stand to look at her.

"I'll grab the light."
Duke University's grad student, Vanessa Monroe, appears to be more hip to the folklore than she leads on. Not only is she an admirer of her mentor's work, but also of the Van Helsing approach. Carefully studying her visitors, she guides them into Isobel's office. With a promise to turn on the lights, she comes back aiming a wood loaded air compressor bow at Elena. Fear not! Damon takes the arrow in the back for his beloved, and Alaric seizes both weapon and sniper.

Given Damon's history, such a statement as: "That bitch is dead," shouldn't be taken lightly. On the other hand, given his feelings for Elena, he's willing to back down when she asks. Still, he uses this compliance as an opportunity to further engage Elena on the manipulating going on within their friendship. ("If by manipulate you mean tell the truth. Guilty.")
"I'd be extra nice to me right now."
Vanessa is profusely apologizing to Alaric for assuming Elena was Katherine, but, really, can you blame her? I probably would've taken a few more moments to lace the arrow with vervain if I knew in my presence was the infamous vampire from 1864. She agrees to keep her silence on this discovery, and helps them go through Isobel's belongings as they search for clues on the Lockwood curse and Elena's lineage. Soon they uncover both.

The Lockwoods are in fact werewolves. Cursed by an Aztec Shaman 600 years ago when his people were being attacked by both werewolves and vampires. "The curse of the sun and the moon" set the attackers against one another inevitably becoming natural enemies. Only one will prevail: until one entity dies off, or the end of time- whichever comes first. Moreover, Vanessa shares the inevitable- doppelgängers torment their look-a-likes and aim to undue their lives. Good luck, Elena.

Vanessa also shares a few passes at Alaric. But, the good teacher stays focused "it's good to have her in my past." Damon, on the other hand, still hasn't apologized to Elena! He's still badgering her about recovering their friendship. He even gives her research homework: Katerina Petrova.

"Chase it. Catch it. Feed on it."

Meanwhile, Stefan's new 'tude is wining me over-again! He's bonding with Caroline, showing her the ropes ("You want me to eat bunnies and I'm kinda freaking out."). Nearby, Tyler Lockwood, Matt, and friends are partying around the old estate. Caroline and Stefan join them, but Caroline is immediately having to work on her amplified jealous personality when she sees her peer Amy Bradley flirting with her man. Caroline harshly compels Amy to vanish which, in turn, upsets Matt.

Poor Matt. Still can't catch a break! At least he does what most people should do, and that's tell them that "I'm not gonna put up with the drama," then make up. Unfortunately, he shouldn't have been too eager to make up because messing around in the woods can cause splinters, scratches, or even gashing cuts on the wrist that seep blood irresistible to vampires.

All the while, the Lockwoods are preparing for their big night. Tyler with a party, and Uncle Mason with chains in a cellar. By now we have learned that this cellar is off limits to discuss- no one likes to reminisce about the "ol' slave days," after all. Regardless, it's imperative to their secret because it will not reveal their transformation, nor will it allow them to harm others. Still, it's best that Tyler's party relocate before dark, as Uncle Mason advised.

Of course Tyler's not going to uproot the whole party. So he uproots himself, and Amy Bradley, to the taboo cellar. His arrival stirs Uncle Mason who is preparing to transform (He knew it was a full moon, why is he just now rushing to get into chains?), and he hurries out to the woods to tie himself to a tree next to his vehicle which he jumps into moments before the change.

Uncle Mason's transformation is complete. He is a werewolf- in the woods- being occupied by two vampires. Get ready for 45 seconds of OH MY GOD!* Stefan receives warning from Elena that the werewolf bite can kill vampires. Immediately he searches for Caroline, but on his quest he hears growling and sees claw marks on the ground. Apparently he forgot the part about his potential demise and proceeds to the vehicle containing Uncle Mason. (WHY!?) But, wait, someone is following him! The werewolf is no longer in the vehicle! Or, is it Katherine?! The glass shatters and the wolf jumps out of the vehicle.


Caroline has gotten too rough with Matt and is now feeding off of him! Thank goodness Stefan arrives to tear her away before she killed him. Being that that's not their only worry, they begin to high tail it out of the woods hopefully leading the wolf away from Matt, but also to save themselves. Caroline's guilt gets to her and she stops running to cry to Stefan. Tyler finds them and as their attention adverts to him, Caroline is attacked by the wolf.
Alpha! Upon hearing his command from Tyler, the wolf ceases his plot to kill the blond vampire beneath him and trots off into the woods. Stefan and Caroline create a story and compel Tyler and Matt, but she is devastated over her actions. As a result, she heads to the Grill to find Matt where he's visiting with his admirer, Amy. Creating a scuffle with Amy in order to pull Matt's strings, she encourages him to break up with her- and he does. In solitude, she knows she's doing what's best.

During this time, Uncle Mason comes out of the woods dirty and naked. He finds his nephew at his truck; realizes there's no hiding the Lockwood curse any longer.
"Yes, you have lost me forever."
The research team arrives back home. Alaric, going to claim his woman and seal it with a kiss. And, Damon, still seeking redemption from Elena. He explains how Katherine had sent him over the edge and how he just lost it. In his honest state, he also admitted that he did not know that Jeremy had a Protected ring on, and that he'd gotten lucky with that. Finally, Elena gets his long overdue apology. Although, Elena expresses that she has moved on from their friendship, it's Damon who has the last words: "You and Katherine have a lot more in common than just your looks."

Rather, it's Katherine who has the last words. Entering into a frightened Caroline's bedroom like a thief in the early dawn, she sets a play-date: "We're gonna have so much fun together."

Vampires, Werewolves, Witches- Oh My! Your turn- Share your OMG moments below! Then, check out next week's promo. Find me, Danielle DuCre on Twitter @msdanielley, we can discuss Diaries in 140 characters or less..

Photo credits:,,

*reference by Alisha S.

1 comment:

  1. I also loved Damon's line:

    "If you wanna see me naked all you have to do is ask."

    ..then Elena gives Vanessa vervain.

